Sunday, 26 October 2014

Men and Women together

Here I present the intuitive understanding of Théun Mares. But first I should speak about him, he was born in 1952 and died in 2011. He was genuinely a very intuitive guy in his search for the truth about the world we live in. The way to approach this type of intuitive material is to ask yourself the question; “Does it feel right ?”. To me, on the subject of men and women together, his work does feel right.

See the Yin-Yang symbol:

Each man has his internal femininity, whether you choose to take that as the dark spot in the white or the white spot in the dark does not matter. Similarly, each woman has her internal masculinity.
What this is ultimately about is the man understanding himself, because to understand his internal femininity he must find a representative of that femininity he can observe in the real world.
It is exactly the same for the woman. She seeks a man who represents as closely as he can her internal masculinity. Again she seeks to understand herself by observing that representative of her masculinity being active in the real world.
But there is a second thing happening beyond this search for understanding the self. That is because we live in a world of doing. So the woman seeks a man whose purpose she can support. So the man and his purpose provide the woman with a context within which and to which she can provide the support of her femininity.
The man's purpose may be only to raise a family in peace and security. He may devote himself to building a business. In fact, there are numerous possibilities. But the woman must find a guy whose purpose she can commit to.
Marriages break down when the man can no longer sustain his purpose, whatever it may have been. That is because the woman did not marry a man, she married a man with a purpose. If he can't carry that purpose any more, she will find a man with a similar purpose who can carry it.

Obviously, all I have done here is to provide a kind of summary of Théun Mares's intuitions. If you want to refer to the original material, here are links to his two books on the subject.


Friday, 26 September 2014

The power of love must overcome the love of power.

Power is interesting. Evil power comes from the barrel of a gun, or the point of a knife or the strength of a chain etc. Which is to say it comes from physical aspects of the world that only exist because people believe in them and their power when applied. That belief in the power of the physical world is an application of intent. That intent is shared both by the person threatening and the person or people under threat.

The power of love works differently. No belief in the physical world is necessary, love is independent of the physical world in the sense that it does not need the physical world to be such and such and so and so. Instead love comes from the heart chakra and is sent to whoever you intend to send it to. You can send love to anyone.

Evil needs the disposition of forces in the world. This requirement to maintain the world of things takes energy and power. In fact a lot of the energy of evil goes into this necessary disposition of forces.

This is why love is more powerful than evil. Love does not need to waste energy on the disposition of forces. Love is just itself. You can send love from your heart chakra to anyone, whatever their physical situation.

Also like any muscle, the more you pump the heart chakra, the more you can pump the heart chakra. The more you love, the more you can love.

In war situation the Christian bishops should organise continuous love services in their churches where people pray and send love to the participants. Other religions should organise their flocks similarly.

In most conflicts around the world, only a few hundred people are maintaining all the hate that is necessary for that conflict. So a few hundred people sending love to the participants can trump the hate merchants and bring peace to the world. Love must be organised though, people must work together.

Here is one website where that organisation is made possible.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Epigenetics and the downfall of DNA's dominance

It has long been asserted that we are each of us the result of our mother and our father's genes. And while it is true at birth, immediately after birth other factors come into play. This is epigenetics. The story of how genetics accidentally came to dominate our thinking and how there were false assumptions underlying that dogmatic belief is very well explained in this video. The speaker is Dr Bruce Lipton and he is speaking at IONS on 21st July 2013:

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Iraq - war and peace - Blair and Bush

Tony Blair has recently gone on the defensive about the 2003 invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. He proceeds to claim that the current invasion of Iraq by ISIS is a phenomena of 2014 which could not have been envisaged in 2003.

What Tony Blair is avoiding is any mention of the catastrophe of the occupation of Iraq after the 2003 invasion.

The USA took responsibility for re-building the country and so for several years they ruled Iraq. But what was Iraq under Saddam ? Saddam may have been a dictator but the underlying political philosophy was that of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party. Iraq was a socialist country. And who did George Bush select to run Iraq ? It was a collection of people selected for their fanatical right wing beliefs.

The people Bush set up as rulers and administration for Iraq were simply unable to accept the socialist principles on which the country had been run up to that point. So they dismantled everything. Many, many perfectly functional institutions in Iraq were dismantled because they were socialist.

For years and years afterwards there were barely simple services like fresh water and electricity to the houses and apartment blocks. Everyone, quite literally everyone, became unemployed. The only effective political impact was from the mullahs at the mosque at Friday prayers. They may not have been fans of Saddam Hussein but at least under the former regime, most men had a job to go to, from which they earned self-respect. No-one was a fan of total unemployment, of a country where even the banks were closed where no-one could do anything, where even the most basic services were fragmentary at best. So the mullahs preached against the Americans. But a large proportion of unemployed men were ex-army and had skills with weapons and explosives and they all had their rifle and some a side arm at home. The Americans had refused to pay the Iraqi army and sent them home from their barracks. It is not un-natural in a country where nothing works and there seems to be no prospect of anything working but so many people are armed and being preached at by firebrand mullahs, some of them Shia and some of them Sunni, that quasi-military insurgent groups started to form. After all men gain their self-respect by doing things and joining the insurgency felt like doing something. At least it was better than sitting in the cafe nursing a single cup of coffee all day and just talking.

And so the insurgency began and it is really not surprising given the whole series of crazy decisions made by the Americans who could not abide anything that smelt of socialism which everything did in Iraq.

If the Americans had taken the slow route of simply funding the socialist economy of Iraq until the oil fields could start selling Iraqi oil to the world and Iraq could fund itself, there would have been no insurgency. Because there would have been more or less full employment. Guys like to go to work to bring home money for the family. If they can do that reliably, they don't want war, they want peace. The insurgency was the response of the Iraqi people to the American occupation. The insurgency was a response to total unemployment, total despair and total hopelessness.

The slow route of funding the socialist country until with its own oil sales it could fund itself would also have been far, far cheaper for the taxpayers of the USA.

Individuals mostly do not have wide political horizons, they want to be part of a family and men want to be the breadwinner for that family. Their perspective is the family and the roles within in. George Bush and his crew came along with their wide political horizons and could not see the individuals in Iraq and their issues. They destroyed the lives of so many of these individuals and so the insurgency began and it was a horrible surprise to the Americans. But really it should not have been.

Tony Blair regards the removal of Saddam Hussein as an isolated event. It was not an isolated event, it brought about the American occupation. And the American occupation was a huge disaster for the Iraqi people. And we cannot say that ISIS is unrelated to the insurgency created by George Bush's peace. Tony Blair's analysis, picking and choosing the events he wants to consider and ignoring what he does not want to think about, is an appalling misstatement of recent history in the middle east.

Useful resource books about the American occupation of Iraq:


Monday, 19 May 2014

How trees communicate

In this important video Professor Suzanne Simard talks about how trees communicate with each other and form a community of mutual support.  This is an important revelation about the biology of forests because it breaks down, as Professor Simard says, the Darwinian theory of competition which has warped our ideas of forestry and forest management.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Men and Women are different, let us understand how and why and then celebrate the difference.

Here is a video of John Gray speaking at Google.  He speaks about testosterone in men and how it is released by problem solving and helps men relax.  He mentions that men die on average a year after retiring from their jobs because they are no longer solving problems and getting their testosterone fix.  They have low testosterone levels and then get a heart attack.  Women on the other hand are not relaxed by testosterone, they relax with oxytocin but that arises in women in very different circumstances to how testosterone arises in men.  It is important to understand how and when oxytocin arises in women.  It arises from the activity of giving love, nurturing.  And the inhibitor of oxytocin production is not enough time.  But there is a lot more in this video than there is in my quick summary.

Monday, 10 March 2014

The Five Languages of Love

Although many people are aware of the 5 languages of love, thus really should be part of popular culture.  The more people who understand this and can apply it, the happier people will be.  Here is a little 6 min video about it.

These 5 love languages were discovered by Dr Gary Chapman who as a therapist discovered that people would complain that they were never loved, despite the practicalities of the relationship.  He realized that they were unaware that the other party was speaking a different love language.

Here is an interview with Gary Chapman about his 5 love languages:
And here is a link to his website:

We are all simple beings and we all work with one love language but we can all learn to speak another.  The love language we need to learn is that of our partner.
This is his book in audio form: